Agatha Quest (Boost Stones Quest)

Level requerido: 100

Localizações do Espelho:

  • Lado de fora da casa da Daisy Oak, em Pallet, ao sul de Viridian
  • Lado de fora do respawn de Voltorb, Pewter
  • Gengar, Lost Island perto de Fuchsia, respawn do barco
  • Ice Island, Fuchsia, 3 andares abaixo da quest do Crystal no respawn de dewgong e lapras
  • Jiggypuff, Pewter, respawn com grama, chegar de fly
  • último andar do Rock Tunnel, Cerulean
  • Paras cave, Pewter, na room com o parasect após a rock
  • Casa Pinsir, norte de Viridian
  • Gym, Saffron
  • Pedra entre Lavender e Saffron
  • Cinnabar no respaw de 1 Arcanine e 1 Magmar 

Localizações do Espelho Dentro do Labirinto:


  • frozen human - its cold here, im freezing...; frozen human; i cant move...frozen...; frozenhead;
  • rat tail - rat whip; rat tail; future piece of a raticate; small whip;
  • wood - wood; plank; termite food; plant armor;
  • onix tail - whip of stones; onix tail; rocks;hard tail;
  • squirtle hull - squirtle hull; squirtle's house; tortoises protection; turtle's shell;
  • flowers - flowers; piece of spring; the best essence in the nature; a boquet of;
  • map - it does have continents; map; you can see the shape of the earth; traveler best friend;
  • dracola's eye - eye of blood; darkness eye; shadow eye;
  • plasmother remains - plasmother remains; monster's plasma; green remains; green and disgusting;
  • bear paw - hands; brown claws;
  • trap - the most popular is used in bears; do not step it; insect can step but a giant can die;
  • fish fin - fish fin; it can strach you under water; sharp piece of a fish; piece of fish;
  • bat wing (azul) - used in witch potions; bloodsucker wings; bat wing; witches like to use;
  • bat wing (preta) - dark bloodsucker wings; rare wings; dark bat wing; dark piece of a flyer;
  • beholder eye - it can distinguish about 10 million colors; the most common colors are brown, blue, green and black;
  • dragon claw - a giant lizard weapon; weapon of the monster with wings;
  • pokeball - pokeball; the trainers weapon; critical for trainers; people dream using this in a journey;
  • bug venom - it has a powerful poison; bug venom; insect's weapon; used to eat leaves;
  • perfect behemoth fang - it does not have teeth problems; elder fang ; ancient tooth; can kill you in one bite;
  • sandbag - sandbag; found in the desert; granular material;its comes from rocks;
  • gyarados tail - a tail of a furious; gyarados tail; piece of a sea giant; whip of lord of the sea;
  • soul orb - sphere of human essence; essence incorporeal; concentration of human energy;
  • piano - played by keys; piano; used to create symphony; maurizio pollini;
  • hook - hook; if you lose a hand you can use instead;hook - used by captains;
  • leaves - leaves; used to synthesis of light; green sharps; hair of trees;
  • big cask - big cask; can store oil inside; 158,987295 liters;
  • voodoo doll - has arms and legs do not move and feel pain!;
  • pinsir horn - it's hard; the most powerful weapon of a insect;it's piece of an insect; 
  • small leaves - head of a small plant; small pieces of spring; small leaves;
  • honeycomb - house of an insect; egypcians used to use; honeycomb; sweet taste.


  • You read G: esquerda
  • You read K: em cima à direita
  • You read M: norte
  • You read Y: sul
  • You read A: embaixo à direita
  • You read W: direita
  • You read Z: embaixo à esquerda
  • You read B: copyback
  • You read F: em cima à esquerda

39 comentários:

  1. Este comentário foi removido por um administrador do blog.

  2. Nao é voodoo fez eu perder no ultimo...

  3. Witches like to use = bat wing pequena.


  4. human eye = beholder eye

  5. Aparece na casinha dos Venomoths em Cerulean, também.

  6. it can rip you ???????? what is that

  7. os localizaõ dos espelhos ajudaram muito obriado

  8. weapons and legs of a giant e qual?

  9. pirates like it = hook

  10. used in dark magic < voodoo doll

  11. Respostas
    1. ele pode estar em qualquer um desses lugar , por exemplo eu achei ele três vezes , 1 na casa da muie lá em pallet 1 nas casinha do venomoth e a otra no 2° do gym de saffron

  12. sphere of human essence eu n achei

  13. our guide<<<<<????? FAST FAST PF

  14. it can distinguish about 10 million
    colors<? oq e iso



  16. 5: small green piece of nature

    leaves (na sala da receita)

  17. You read B: copyback quando pega isso nos letras tem q fazer oq ???

  18. You can stone oil inside - big wine cask

  19. You can find wine inside - big win cask
